268. Missing Number

Given an array nums containing n distinct numbers in the range [0, n], return the only number in the range that is missing from the array.

645. Set Mismatch

You have a set of integers s, which originally contains all the numbers from 1 to n. Unfortunately, due to some error, one of the numbers in s got duplicated to another number in the set, which results in repetition of one number and loss of another number.

575. Distribute Candies

Alice has n candies, where the ith candy is of type candyType[i]. Alice noticed that she started to gain weight, so she visited a doctor.

26. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array

Given a sorted array nums, remove the duplicates in-place such that each element appears only once and returns the new length.

19. Remove Nth Node From End of List

Given the head of a linked list, remove the nth node from the end of the list and return its head.

14. Longest Common Prefix

Write a function to find the longest common prefix string amongst an array of strings.


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2. Lists

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  1. consists class declaration “public class”

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data visual analysis in Python

univariate visualization

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